অনেক ইসলামিস্টই আজকাল দাবী করেন, নবী মুহাম্মদ ছয় বছর বয়সে আয়িশাকে বিয়ে করে তারপরে তিন বছর অপেক্ষা করেছিলেন, আয়িশার প্রাপ্তবয়ষ্ক হওয়ার জন্য। কিন্তু কথাটি সম্পূর্ণ মিথ্যা। যার প্রমাণ আমরা পাই ইবনে সা’দের তাবাকাত গ্রন্থ থেকে [1]। সত্য হচ্ছে, সেই সময়ে নবীর কাছে দেনমোহর দেয়ার মত অর্থ ছিল না, তাই আবু বকরের কাছ থেকেই ঋণ নিয়ে তিনি আয়িশাকে তুলে এনেছিলেন।
হিজরতের পর আবু বকর(রাঃ), রাসূল এর নিকট আরজ করলেন, “হে আল্লাহর রাসূল! আপনার স্ত্রীকে ঘরে আনছেন না কেন? প্রিয়নবী বললেন, “এই মুহূর্তে মোহর পরিশোধ করার মতো অর্থ আমার কাছে নেই। আবু বকর(রাঃ) অনুরোধ করলেন- যদি আমার অর্থ কবুল করতেন। তখন রাসূল, আবু বকর(রা:) এর কাছ থেকে অর্থ ঋণ নিয়ে আয়িশা(রাঃ) এর নিকট পাঠিয়ে দিলেন।
বর্ণনাটি তাবারীর ইতিহাস গ্রন্থেও পাওয়া যায় [2]
A’ishah, daughter of Abu Bakr.
Her mother was Umm Ruman bt. ‘Umayr b. ‘Amr, of the Banu Duhman b. al-Harith b. Ghanm b. Malik b. Kinanah.
The Prophet married ‘A’ishah in Shawwal in the tenth year after the (beginning of his) prophethood, three years before Emigration. He consummated the marriage in Shawwal, eight months after Emigration. On the day he consummated the marriage with her she was nine years old.
According to Ibn ‘Umayr (al-Waqidi)- Musa b. Muhammad b. ‘Abd al-Rahman- Raytah- ‘Amrah (bt. ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Sa’d): ‘A’ishah was asked when the Prophet consummated his marriage with her, and she said:
The Prophet left us and his daughters behind when he emigrated to Medina. Having arrived at Medina, he sent Zayd b. Harithah and his client Abu Rafi’ for us. He gave them two camels and 500 dirhams he had taken from Abu Bakr to buy (other) beasts they needed. Abu Bakr sent with them ‘Abdallah b. Urayqit al-Dili, with two or three camels. He wrote to (his son) ‘Abdallah b. Abi Bakr to take his wife Umm Ruman, together with me and my sister Asma’, al-Zubayr’s wife, (and leave for Medina). They all left (Medina) together, and when they arrived at Qudayd Zayd b. Harithah bought three camels with those 500 dirhams. All of them then entered Mecca, where they met Talhah b. ‘Ubaydallah on his way to leave town, together with Abu Bakr’s family. So we all left: Zayd b. Harithah, Abu Rafi’, Fatimah, Umm Kulthum, and Sawdah bt. Zam‘ah. Ayd mounted Umm Ayman and (his son) Usamah b. Zayd on a riding beast; ‘Abdallah b. Abi Bakr took Umm Ruman and his two sisters, and Talhah b. ‘Ubaydallah came (too). We all went together, and when we reached Bayd in Tamanni my camel broke loose. I was sitting in the litter together with my mother, and she started exclaiming “Alas, my daughter, alas (you) bride”; then they caught up with our camel, after it had safely descended the Lift. We then arrived at Medina, and I stayed with Abu Bakr’s children, and (Abu Bakr) went to the Prophet. The latter was then busy building the mosque and our homes around it, where he (later) housed his wives. We stayed in Abu Bakr’s house for a few days; then Abu Bakr asked (the Prophet) “O Messenger of God, what prevents you from consummating the marriage with your wife?” The Prophet said “The bridal gift (sadaq).” Abu Bakr gave him the bridal gift, twelve and a half ounces (of gold), and the Prophet sent for us. He consummated our marriage in my house, the one where I live now and where he passed away.

- তাবাকাত, ইবনে সা‘দ, পৃষ্ঠাঃ ৪৩ [↑]
- Al-Tabari, Vol. 39, pp. 171-173, Download link [↑]
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